


Grading Guidance and Handbook Supplement

Revised August 2024  


State and District Grading Policy/Procedure

School Policy

At Nashville Big Picture High School, we pride ourselves on providing a personalized, student-centered education for all students. We are small by design with the intention that every student is seen, known, and cared for while having access to the support(s) needed to reach mastery/academic success. Our grading policies and procedures are designed and implemented to put these pillars of equity into practice in every classroom.

Grading Philosophy and Guiding Principles

  • The grading and reporting system should be simple, transparent, and easily understood by educators, students, parents, and the community at large.
  • The method of determining grades should be consistent from class to class and school to school throughout MNPS.
  • Grading should be based on clearly defined and established success criteria.
  • Grading should not be a form of punishment, control, or compliance.
  • Students should have multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery.
  • Formative assessment, accompanied by specific, actionable feedback, is vital to student growth; however, not all student work is necessarily reflected in grades.

Definition and Purpose

Quality Feedback

Feedback is the process in which learners come together with their teachers to discuss where they are in their learning, where they want to be in their learning, and how they are going to get there. It usually involves looking at a particular piece of work done by the learner. Feedback can be described as the ‘bridge’ between teaching and learning. The aims and objectives of any assignment must be clearly understood by both the teacher and the learner. You can help by providing ‘success criteria’ before your learners start work ( Feedback to each learner should praise accomplishments as well as assist the learner to reflect and adjust to improve learning progress. Ongoing quality feedback must be given throughout the unit before students take summative assessments. Timely feedback is essential for student learning.

Formative Work

Formative work is any assignment that will be unweighted and may or may not appear in the grade book. This may include but is not limited to study guides, rough drafts, journals, pre-assessments, and other practice items. The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching, by students to improve their learning, and by parents to see growth toward mastery of standards.


Homework is any practice work completed in school or at home. Homework will be weighted as 10% of the student’s overall grade for the quarter in grades 5-12. Homework is best used to practice or reinforce what has been learned rather than to introduce new material. Homework assignments should be reasonable in length, academically based, and meaningful to student learning. Assignments should not be “busy work”. Research provides strong evidence that when used appropriately, homework benefits student achievement (Good & Brophy 2003; Cooper, Robinson & Patall 2006).

Summative Assessments

The goal of summative assessments is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark (i.e., mastery of standards and/or learning goals). Summative assessments will be weighted as 90-100% of the student’s overall grade for the quarter. Examples of summative assessments may include but are not limited to quizzes, tests, exams, major projects, research papers, major essays, presentations, performances, and anything that a teacher may grade to make a judgment of a student’s ability level or their mastery of curriculum and content standards.

State Assessments

  • For grades 3-12, students’ scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program or End of Course Exam will make up 15% of the student’s final grade for the school year in the subject areas of mathematics, ELA, science, and social studies.
  • If TCAP scores are returned to the district at least the five (5) instructional days before the end of the school year, the TCAP numeric score will count as 15% of the final or semester average. Students who refused the test or who have a nullified score due to cheating will earn the lowest possible score of 0%.
  • If TCAP scores are not returned to the district at least five (5) instructional days before the end of the school year, the TCAP numeric scores will be excluded from the final or semester average.

Scoring Procedures

  • Extra credit is not allowed to be entered as a part of a student’s academic classroom grade. Extra credit artificially inflates grades and in doing so does not accurately measure what a student knows and can do within the provided curriculum.
  • ZEROS may be given for students who verifiably cheat or have not made an attempt at an assignment.

Grading Scale

  • Excellent: A = 100-90
  • Above Average: B = 89-80
  • Average: C = 79-70
  • Low but Passing: D = 69-60
  • Not Passing: F = 59-0

Exceptional Education

All students receive the standard report card for their grade level. There are not separate report cards or standards for students on a modified curriculum. If curriculum and standards are modified, this is indicated on the report card in the comments section. IEP progress reports, including progress monitoring data, must accompany the report card. All IEP goals must be progress monitored.

English Learners

  • Accommodations and scaffolding from Individual Learning Plans must be used in the delivery of classroom instruction and assessments. Grades reflect these accommodations aligned to Individual Learning Plans. EL students must not be failed or retained solely because of English language proficiency. There are very few cases when retaining an EL student is the correct course of action. Retention of EL students will not facilitate English language acquisition. Research has shown that retaining an EL student to allow that student time to “catch up” is not empirically sound. Retention is not supported by the Lau v. Nichols court decision (TN Department of Education Office of Consolidated Planning and Monitoring English as a Second Language Program Guide).
  • The “Comment” section must state that the student’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) was followed in the instruction and assessment that these grades reflect.
  • The teacher of record must notify guardian(s)/families of Active/Waived EL students that their child receives accommodations according to the ILP.
  • Teachers must have evidence of the accommodations and parent contacts made for each student taught.

Specifications and Expectations

Feedback Timing

Timely academic feedback is expected and imperative to student academic success. In accordance with MNPS Policy, teachers are required to sync their Schoology gradebook at a minimum once every two weeks. An electronic calendar reminder will be set and shared to ensure teachers are adhering to this expectation.

Grade Calculations

Teachers will have the choice of using Total Points or Percent to calculate grades. Either way, this preference must be communicated to parents, students, and administration.

Make-up Work

All assignments for all students are eligible to be completed as make-up work. The grade cannot be affected by submitting an assignment as make-up work. Each teacher will communicate their timeline for submitting make-up work.

Late Submissions

All assignments for all students are eligible to be completed as late work. The grade cannot be affected if an assignment is submitted late. Each teacher will communicate their timeline for submitting late work. During progress reports and report cards, there will be a cutoff date set by administration to ensure accuracy and clarity in posting. Anything beyond this point will be considered by administration.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic Integrity is important and expected. Students that violate ethical academic standards will be subject to the MNPS discipline policy. MNPS expects all students to abide by ethical academic standards. Academic dishonesty—including plagiarism, cheating or copying the work of another, using technology for illicit purposes, or any unauthorized communication between students for the purpose of gaining advantage during an examination—is strictly prohibited. This provision covers all school-related tests, quizzes, reports, class assignments, and projects both in and out of class.

The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on specific evidence provided by the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from others. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty may be subject to an academic penalty.

Grade Changes

If there is a need to change a student’s grade for the previous quarter(s), the teacher must complete the MNPS Grade Change Form and submit this documentation to Grading Admin Gary Hook.

Notifications to Students and Families

Teachers are expected to adhere to expectations for syncing grades every two weeks. In addition, teachers are expected to keep their Schoology pages updated with their syllabus, grading calendar, assignments, resources, etc. If a student is having challenges in class, teachers are expected to communicate with the student’s family and document communication in support and intervention (in Infinite Campus).

NBPHS Homework, Assessment, Project and Communication Limitation Policy

  • Maximum of two graded homework assignments per content per week.
  • Minimum of two (summative and/or formative assessments per week) – maximum of three (3) summative and/or formative assessments per week.
  • Minimum of 16 grades per nine weeks (maximum of 27 grades per nine weeks) per content class.
    • Minimum of 8 assignments posted for progress to reflect actual student academic progress.

The only days homework should be assigned and/or tests should be administered in the content:

  • Monday: ELA & History
  • Wednesday: Math & Science

Assigned Projects

  • 1st Semester: Interdisciplinary ELA & History
  • 2nd Semester: Interdisciplinary Math & Science
  • Foreign Language (Spanish)
  • Elective Projects
  • Advisory Project/Internship Project
  • Senior Capstone
  • Quarterly Exhibitions (as identified in schoolwide communication per grade level)
    • 9th grade: All freshmen students will attend upper-class exhibitions during 2nd semester and complete reflective assignments.
      • Freshmen will present exhibition 3rd Quarter & 4th Quarter
  • Grades 10, 11, 12: Present Exhibition 2nd Quarter & 4th Quarter.
    • Any Senior that does not complete their Capstone during 1st semester will be required to present their Capstone Exhibition during 3rd Quarter.

NBPHS Posting of Grades - Requirements by Advisors

  • A minimum of two grades per student should be posted weekly for each student in Schoology/Infinite Campus.
  • Zeros may be given for students who verifiably cheat or have not made an attempt at an assignment or exam.
  • Teachers will use their discretion to determine an appropriate percentage to reflect a failing grade for the quarter and semester. An F percentage ranges from 0-59%.
    • When using discretion, teachers are asked to be mindful of the following researched-based findings:
      • Minimum grading is not inflation nor teaching students to be unmotivated. It restores mathematical accuracy and it motivates struggling students with the possibility of redemption and success.
      • Low grades demotivate students and can cause a withdraw from learning.
      • Risks and mistakes are a necessary part of the learning process and grading practices shouldn't undermine this need.
  • All grades should be posted at the end of the quarter and semester by the communicated due dates.
  • All progress grades, quarter grades, and semester grades will be posted by mandated deadlines provided by MNPS and NBPHS.
  • Advisors should keep an additional copy of all grades posted in the schoolwide provided gradebook. In the event of technology failures, it is also recommended that the advisor keep copies of graded assessments.
  • Every three weeks, advisors should document all academic interventions in S & I (examples are below):
    • Student Conferences
    • Tutoring (individual; peer; etc.)
    • Parent Conferences/Phone Calls
    • Teacher collaboration
    • Extended Time
    • Differentiated Instruction
    • Counseling Referral
    • Administrative Referral
  • Prior to progress reports and/or report cards, all advisors are to complete a failure list with implemented documented academic interventions for each student (form will be provided by Principal in the Advisory Share Drive).

Retake Eligibility

  • Any summative assessment with a grade lower than 70 will be subject to a mandatory retake opportunity.
  • All summative assessments are eligible for one (1) retake opportunity regardless of the original assessment score.
  • With the goal being student mastery, the highest grade between retakes should be the grade for the assignments.
    • Any other previous attempts/scores can be documented in the comments section of the assignment in Schoology.

There are some exceptions:

  • Homework: Any assignment classified as a “homework” assignment is not eligible for retake. Assignments classified as “homework” cannot make up more than 10% of the total grade for any grading period and are subject to any and all other MNPS policies on homework.
  • Semester Exams: Per MNPS Board Policy, semester exams are not eligible for retakes.
  • External Third-Party assessment or assignments: Examples would be ACT College Board exams, IB exams, etc.
  • Dual Enrollment Courses: Articulation agreements with post-secondary institutions specifically prohibit retakes for all assignments in these courses.
  • Exhibitions/quarterly projects/Senior Capstones are not eligible for retakes except with the approval of the advisor and school administrator due to extenuating circumstances.

As an additional note, it is possible that for larger assignments or assessments a teacher may elect to have a student only retake a portion of the assignment or assessment that is related more directly to the area of non-mastery of standards.

It should also be noted that it is acceptable if the retake format is different from that of the original assignment. As an example, an original assessment might be a multiple-choice exam with an essay question. The retake might be several short answer questions and an oral interview.

Students and Families

If parents, students, or families have a question, need clarification, or simply need to check in with a member of our staff, they are encouraged to use the Remind App or MNPS Email. The student’s advisor, school counselor, workshop teachers, and our admin team are available to assist with all needs. Our staff will prioritize these communications and respond when available. At minimum, our team is expected to respond within 24-48 hours.

All communication except for emergencies should occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Our staff team will refrain from sending any communication to students or families during the NBPHS Blackout Period:

  • Monday thru Friday: 8:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: No communication except for emergency announcements
  • Refrain from assigning homework during holidays or school break.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to engage and be accountable for their learning. We expect progress, not perfection, and we know that this comes from consistent effort. If there are challenges or barriers, students are expected to advocate for themselves and ask for help when necessary. We have a team of people ready to offer supports to help you achieve progress.

Parent/Guardian Expectations

NBPHS values and encourages parents/families to be engaged in their student’s education. Attendance is important and we expect parents and families to make it a priority. If there are challenges or barriers, parents/families are expected to advocate for their students and ask for help when necessary. We have a team of people ready to offer supports to help you achieve progress.

Where to Find Learning Feedback and School Grading Guidelines

At any time, students and families can access real-time grade information utilizing the Personalized Student Data Dashboard in the Student or Parent Portal, as well as assignment feedback via Schoology parent account.

Important Dates

Students and families can find school and MNPS school calendars. Each week, students and families will receive the NBPHS Newsletter from our executive principal, Dr. Brenda Diaz. This Newsletter will be filled with timely information and updates each week.

Who to Contact Regarding Student Learning or Grading Concerns?

If you have a grading concern, your first point of contact should be the assigned teacher. If you need additional assistance, please contact our assistant principal, Gary Hook.

For Grading Admins and Teachers: Grade Sync Basics & Best Practices

Schoology Grade Book Setup

Teachers are required to complete grade setup in each of their Schoology classes. The Schoology Grade Book Setup instructions can be found on the Grading Information SharePoint as well as well as the Tutorial and are linked here for your convenience. The Schoology gradebook setup audit report will be provided to schools on August 5 and August 12.

The best source of information is the Grading Information SharePoint site. It includes information on topics such as gradebook setup, syncing grades, making grade changes, and more. The Grading Information SharePoint is available to all MNPS employees using your MNPS credentials. The site is evolving to provide better support, so check back often. Additionally, this tool can be of assistance as teachers prepare to launch their Schoology Page each semester.

All assignment grades will be entered into Schoology and synced to Infinite Campus. A grading column can be added within the Schoology grade book for all non-digital assignments. The grade sync is now a ONE-STEP process. The sync picks up new assignments, new grades, changes to assignments or grades. It cannot sync what is no longer there (deletions/unpublishing of assignments). If an assignment is deleted in Schoology, it should also be deleted from the Campus gradebook. The grade sync does not pass the assignment’s factor/multiplier. If a factor is used in Schoology, then the matching multiplier must be entered into Infinite Campus.

Grade calculations are only valid in Campus. We cannot stop some calculations from occurring in Schoology, but those are not official and are only for teacher reference. In order to use Schoology as a reference for overall grades, the setup between Schoology and Campus needs to match. Both applications default to points. If the teacher elects to calculate grades via percent, the selection must be made in all sections, all categories in both Schoology and Campus. The same applies for drop lowest score. Final Exams grades will not pass and should be entered manually into Campus at the end of each semester for high school courses.

Mandatory Schoology Gradebook Categories (6-12) – To be completed by August 9. (See Gary Hook for assistance)

  • Summative Assessments 90%
  • Homework 10%
  • Formative Assessments 0%

Grading Admin

  • Utilize grading SharePoint and grading communications to train and support teachers on grading responsibilities
  • Supplement grading communications with your own/clarifiers/school-based procedure including when the grading window will be open
  • Send recurring sync reminders and/or establish ‘sync days’ each week for the school/grade levels
  • Pull gradebook usage reports from Campus to ensure sync is occurring regularly
  • Attend grading cafes
  • Run grading validation reports for posted grades and share errors with teachers

For questions or concerns contact NBPHS Grading Administrator: Gary Hook, Assistant Principal.


  • Utilize grading SharePoint and grading communications for grading guidance and questions.
  • Sync often - recommend once per week if not after each assignment is graded
  • Add due dates to all assignments even if it is the last day of the term.
  • Compare grades on a regular basis to ensure grades are syncing.
  • Report any issues entering or syncing graded items immediately.
  • Do not unpublish assignments in Schoology once graded.

Grade Sync Basics & Best Practices

Schoology Grade Book Setup - Teachers are required to complete grade setup in each of their Schoology classes. The Schoology Grade Book Setup instructions can be found on the Grading Information SharePoint as well as well as the Tutorial and are linked here for your convenience. The Schoology gradebook setup audit report will be provided to schools 8/5 and 8/12.

All assignment grades will be entered into Schoology and synced to Infinite Campus. A grading column can be added within the Schoology grade book for all non-digital assignments. The grade sync is now a ONE STEP process. The sync picks up new assignments, new grades, changes to assignments or grades. It cannot sync what is no longer there (deletions/unpublishing of assignments). If an assignment is deleted in Schoology it should also be deleted from the Campus gradebook. The grade sync does not pass the assignment’s factor/multiplier. If factor is used in Schoology then the matching multiplier must be entered into Infinite Campus.

Grade calculations are only valid in Campus. We cannot stop some calculations from occurring in Schoology but those are not official and are only for teacher reference. In order to use Schoology as a reference for overall grades the setup between Schoology and Campus need to match. Both applications default to points. If the teacher elects to calculate grades via percent the selection must be made in all sections all categories in both Schoology and Campus. The same applies for drop lowest score. Final Exams grades will not pass and should be entered manually into Campus at the end of each semester for high school courses.

Mandatory Schoology Gradebook Categories (6-12) – To be completed by August 9. (See Gary Hook for assistance)

  • Summative Assessments 90%
  • Homework 10%
  • Formative Assessments 0%

For questions or concerns contact NBPHS Grading Administrator: Gary Hook, Assistant Principal.

Advanced Academics

Big Picture High School also provides students with many opportunities to enroll in advanced academic coursework throughout high school.